How to Prevent Foundation Damage

How to Prevent Foundation DamageNot a topic that we touch on a lot, is it? After all, if we’re a company that is so storied as experts in the restumping, reblocking and underpinning businesses, we should want you to have foundation damage, right? Absolutely not. We’ll always be here – by phone, email or in-person – to support if you’ve already reached that point, but it’s in the interests of everyone involved if we’re able to mitigate the issue entirely!

So, what is the homework that you can do to avoid working with us altogether? (We know, we know, we don’t want this to happen either, but we’re here to save you money and time!) You’ve already taken the first and best step. You’ve joined our blog community, and we’re thrilled to have you. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been here once or a million times, we value you, and see you as far more than customers. You’re friends, you’re partners, and we’re with you for life. So, this blog can be our conversation platform to continue all of the important conversations that turn your house into a home.

Step one, complete. Here are other tips that we recommend in order to avoid any kind of reinforcement that you need on your foundation prior to any damage:

Leverage de-humidifiers and fans

We can’t tell you the number of calls, emails and in-person visits (broken record, but you really can reach out to us in every way!), that have to do with moisture. It’s one of those things that falls off of the radar really easily, but the issues associated are so easy to avoid. When you run a shower or a bath and there’s an accumulation of moisture, you have no idea how much of a catalyst it can be to your home and your home’s foundation.

Check all of the time

If your door is not swinging closed all the way, or jamming when you try to properly open it, you probably have an impending issue with your foundation. Keep a regular and critical eye on doors, floors, walls and ceilings, so that you don’t need to call teams like ours.

Do regular research

We know that it’s not fun, but if there have been seismic shifts in your area, or if the soil that your home has been built on has seen an abundance of inclement weather situations, it’s always in your best interest to spend the 30-min a week to check on what’s happening with the weather and the climate. Worst case scenario? You learn the information that you need to know now in order to make the right decision for you. Best case scenario? You become an aficionado about the weather, the climate, the temperatures of your area, and more. You might just find out that you should have gone into meteorology after all!

Questions? Comments? Give us a shout. The team would love to hear from you and start the conversation about the best ways to make your home the very best that it can be.